1. Is the award free?

Yes the award is free. No cost is associated with nomination and been shortlisted. The award is strictly base on merit.

2. What is the timeline for the entire process?

Entries open: April 28, 2024
Entries close: May 28, 2024
Shortlisted Nominees notified: Between May and June 2024
Shortlisted nominees’ interviews with journalists for an exclusive feature in the award edition:
June to July 2024.
Congress and Awards Dinner: Winners announced and celebrated at a hybrid event (Virtual
and Physical) on November 7 (Congress) – 8 (Awards Dinner), 2024, Livingstone, Zambia.

3. When is the deadline to apply?

The deadline for all awards is May 28, 2024.

4. What’s the award about?

The Africa Safety Award For Excellence (AfriSAFE) is an annual award project raising
awareness in all areas of Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE). It celebrates
and showcases the efforts and achievements of organizations, individuals, and groups that
go above and beyond to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for the benefit of mankind
and the environment.
AfriSAFE is more than ‘Just an Award’; it is an Agenda; it is a movement for change, a
clarion call for a Safer Workplace!
Companies are judged on a wide range of occupational health and safety elements,
including employee training, OHS management systems, incident investigation, emergency
preparedness, and innovative health and safety initiatives.

5. What is the complete process?

Step 1: Nominate your company or any individual for an award, you can also nominate
yourself. There are 8 award categories for the organization and 14 for individuals open for

Step 2: Your nomination is vetted to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements and
undergoes a quick initial review. Your nominees will receive a nomination email if they are
moving on to the next stage. They will be required to answer a brief assessment
questionnaire and submit required documents (The documents are protected under the
relevant data protection regulation).

Step 3: Our judges review your assessment and documents submitted; they may require
asking further questions via phone calls. For some of the organizational award categories,
we might be required to visit your site. Not all award categories have this requirement. The
judges then determine the finalists.

Step 4: If you are a finalist, you will be required to cooperate with the media team on various
items, such as filming a video, interviews, and submitting photos of your workplace. There
are tight deadlines for these, many of which occur between July and August, and you will be
required to meet them. Your corporate communication team/department should be informed
early to alleviate any concerns.

Step 5: The finalists attend a hybrid (Virtual and Physical) award gala celebration in
November in Livingstone, Zambia, to receive their certificates for nomination, and overall
winners are announced and given a distinctive award plaque. While some nominees receive
other special gift packages from cash prizes to HSE course coupons, etc.

6. Can I apply for multiple awards?

Yes, you can apply for any or all of the Safety Award

8. Does sponsorship guarantee my organization of an award?

No. Sponsorship or support doesn’t guarantee an award. Sponsors have their benefits and recognition.

9. will my nomination information be publicly available?

No. Your nomination information is confidential and is protected under the relevant data
protection regulations. The only people who will see it are the AfriSAFE organizing
committee and the judges.

Please Note: Submitting multiple duplicate entries does not enhance your chances of winning